Cleaning instructions – Waring WSB25X User Manual
Page 3
![background image](/manuals/595999/3/background.png)
IMpOrtant: Always place immersion blender on charging station after
each use. Keep the appliance out of reach of children.
• To prevent splattering, be careful never to remove the immersion blender
from liquid while in operation.
• When a recipe calls for ice, use crushed ice (not whole cubes) for
best results.
NOTE: If a piece of food becomes lodged in the protective
guard surrounding the metal blade, follow the safety instructions
noted below:
1. Press the STOP button and remove the battery pack from the immersion
2. Once the power source has been disconnected, use a spatula to carefully
remove the food lodged in the blade guard. Avoid injury. The blade is
sharp. dO nOt uSe YOur fIngerS tO reMOVe LOdged
3. After the lodged food has been removed, replace the battery pack and
continue processing.
CLeanIng InStruCtIOnS
tHe COrdLeSS IMMerSIOn BLender MuSt Be CLeaned
and drIed aCCOrdIng tO tHe fOLLOWIng
InStruCtIOnS after eaCH uSe.
for food Service applications
IMpOrtant: always remove battery pack before cleaning.
• Wash, rinse, and sanitize the stainless steel portion of the unit prior to
initial use, after each use, or whenever it will not be used again within a
period of 1 hour.
• Clean and sanitize the plastic motor housing prior to initial use and after
each use.
• Washing solutions based on non-sudsing detergents, and chlorine-based
sanitizing solutions having a minimum chloride concentration of 100 PPM
are recommended.
The following washing, rinsing, and sanitizing solutions, or their equivalents,
may be used.
SOLutIOn prOduCt
In Water
Washing *Ajax
¼ oz per
Hot 115°F (46°C)
Cleaner Powder
2½ gallons
Plain water
Warm 95°F (35°C)
Sanitizing *Clorox
Institutional 1 Tbl./gallon Cold 50–70°F (10°–21°C)
• In repetitive use applications, frequent cleaning will prolong life.
to wash and sanitize the immersion blender:
1. Rinse the exterior and interior stainless steel portion of the blender under
running water. Scrub and flush the exterior and interior stainless steel
portion to dislodge and remove as much food residue as possible.
2. Wipe down the exterior of the plastic housing and the stainless steel
portion of the blender with a soft cloth or sponge dampened with the
washing solution.
3. Immerse approximately 3/4 of the length of the stainless steel portion in
a container of the washing solution and run for two (2) minutes on High.
4. Repeat steps two (2) and three (3) using clean rinse water in place of the
washing solution.
nOte – IMpOrtant
In Order tO MInIMIZe tHe pOSSIBILItY Of SCaLdIng,
teMperature Of tHe WaSHIng SOLutIOn and rInSe
Water MuSt nOt eXCeed 115°f (46°C).
5. Wipe down the exterior of the plastic housing and the stainless steel
portion of the Quik Stik Xpress
immersion blender with a soft cloth or
sponge dampened with the sanitizing solution.
6. Immerse approximately 3/4 of the length of the stainless steel portion in a
container of the sanitizing solution and run for two (2) minutes on High.
7. dO nOt rInSe after SanItIZIng IS COMpLete.
Allow to air dry before use.
dO nOt IMMerSe pLaStIC MOtOr HOuSIng In WaSHIng
SOLutIOn, rInSe Water, Or SanItIZIng SOLutIOn.
preVent LIQuId frOM runnIng IntO pLaStIC HOuSIng
BY WrIngIng aLL eXCeSS MOISture frOM CLOtHS Or
SpOngeS BefOre uSIng tHeM.
* Ajax
is a registered trademark owned by the Colgate-Palmolive Company.
is a registered trademark owned by the Clorox Company.