Starlight Xpress SXV-AO unit User Manual

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Handbook for the Starlight Xpress AO unit

Issue 1 21/8/2005

oriented so that it is parallel to the AO backplate. This can be seen in the picture at the
front of this handbook, as indicated by the orientation of the guide camera socket.

The imaging camera is attached to the rear of the OAG, using a suitable adaptor ring.
Two types are supplied – one with a ‘T’ thread for the SXV-H9/9C and M25C and one
with an M42 thread for the rest of the SX range. The orientation of the camera is adjusted
by loosening the two set screws and rotating the ring into the required position. As the
camera is not involved with collecting guiding information, it may be set at any angle.
However, the pick off prism may cause shadowing if the long axis of a large chip is set in
the vertical plane.

Both the AO unit and the OAG have recesses which will take a 48mm filter. When using
the OAG, it is an advantage to use the recess inside the camera mounting ring, so that the
guide camera sensitivity is not compromised by any filters that you may add. This is