Starlight Xpress SXV-AO unit User Manual
Starlight Xpress Hardware

Handbook for the Starlight Xpress AO unit
Issue 1 21/8/2005
Handbook for the Starlight Xpress SXV-AO unit
Thank you for purchasing an SXV-AO active optics unit. This device should give you
much improved guiding accuracy with almost any telescope and mount. Please read the
following manual which will explain how the device operates and the best ways in which
it can be applied to your optical system.
The principle of operation:
The SXV-AO device provides an effective method of removing the effects of rapid
guiding errors from CCD images. All but the most expensive telescope mounts suffer
from rapid gear errors during guiding and such errors are very difficult to correct when
the only control method available is to send speed corrections to the drive motors. A
device which can adjust the image position by rapidly deviating the optical path, can
correct for such errors very quickly and without the associated settling time issues.