RCBS Black Powder Measure Measure User Manual

Page 4

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Install the Locking Pin assembly into the single threaded through hole on the

side of the Measuring Cylinder and tighten. Carefully insert the assembly into the
main casting, this is a precise fit, do not force the cylinder into the casting. Insert
screws through the handle and attach to the measuring cylinder on the opposite side
of the Locking Pin. The Powder Measure can be set up for right or left handed use
depending on which way you slide in the assembly.

Installing Locking Pin

The Black Powder Metering Assembly uses an eccentric cam to lock the

metering screw in place. Slide the Powder Sleeve towards the knurled part of the
adjustment screw. Insert the other end into the metering cylinder, you may have to
rotate the Metering Assembly to allow it to enter into the Cylinder hole. You will
notice a tapered hole on the side of the Metering Screw Assembly Sleeve, this is the
locking point for the Locking Pin. Pull the Locking Pin, align the hole in the
Metering Screw Sleeve with the Locking Pin, slide the Sleeve into the Metering
Cylinder and release the Locking Pin. Try to rotate the Metering Assembly Sleeve to
insure that it has been locked in place.

Large metering assembly Aligning locking pin hole on metering assembly

To assemble the low powder system, press the Low Powder Rod into the Low

Powder Disk

The Black Powder Measure can be mounted on an optional Powder Measure

Stand, available from your reloading dealer. One friction fit aluminum drop tube is
furnished as well as a Drain Tube.


Before attempting to throw a series of powder charges, set the powder measure

for the maximum charge and run about a pound of powder through it. This will
deposit a film on the inside of the measure and help the powder flow through more
evenly and consistently. The Metering Assembly will dispense between 5.0 and 120
grains of Fg-FFFg black powder.

Be sure you use the same uniform movements for each powder charge.

To throw a charge, raise the handle until it comes to the end of the stroke with a light
tap. Then lower the handle in the same manner. This tap at the end of each stroke
helps to settle the powder uniformly in the measure.

A dependable powder scale should be used to set the first charges in the powder

measure as follows: throw a powder charge directly into the scale pan by raising the
handle and lowering it. Weigh the charge. If it is too heavy, adjust the measuring
screw “in”. If the charge is too light, adjust the measuring screw “out”. When you
arrive at the exact charge you need, insure that the metering screw is locked in place.
Now you’re ready to throw a series of charges.

As a precaution, throw every tenth charge into the scale pan and weigh it to be

sure of consistency.

The low powder system rests on the top of the powder stack and follows it down

to show you the remaining amount of powder.

Return black powder to its original container IMMEDIATELY after use.

Black powder left in the measure overnight, will cause corrosion of the measure,
which is NOT covered under warranty.


It is not necessary to empty the powder hopper each time you change charges

unless a different powder is required.

Black powder should NOT be stored in the measure for any reason as it will

deteriorate and corrode the measuring cylinder and powder hopper. The
measure can be emptied without taking it off the bench or reloading press by using
the provided Drain Attachment.

Dispense the remaining charge and hold the handle in the “up” position. Pull the

Locking Pin and remove the Metering Screw Assembly. Align the Lock Pin hole on
the side of the Drain Attachment and insert into the Metering Cylinder, release the
Lock Pin. Try to rotate the Drain Attachment to insure that it is locked in place.
Place the correct powder container near the end of the Drain Attachment and slowly
bring the handle down. The powder will flow through the Measuring Cylinder and
Drain Attachment and back into your powder container.

CAUTION: If the handle is in the “down” position when the Metering Assembly

is removed, the powder will flow through the Measuring Cylinder and spill out of the
powder measure!