RCBS Summit Reloading Press User Manual

Page 7

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Sizer Die Installation. Thread the sizer die into the bushing in the top of the die plate.

See Photo 6.

Lower the handle, which will lower the die plate to the shell holder. Thread the die

down until it touches the shell holder. See Photo 7.

Be sure all of the play is removed from the press linkage system. To do this, raise the

handle to raise the die plate to the top of the stroke. Thread the sizer die 1/8 to 1/4

of a turn farther down so the press cams over center. Set the die lock ring and you’re

ready to size. Refer to the instructions included in your die set for further adjustments.

Expander Body and Seat Die Installation: The same steps should be taken when

installing an expander body or seat die. The only difference is that you should leave

1/16 to 1/8” gap between the die and the shell holder. See Photo 8.

Refer to the instructions included in your die set for further adjustments.

If the Summit

Reloading Press is mounted flush with the front of the bench, slip the

larger diameter holes in the Primer Catcher over the head of the Cap Screws and slightly

pull the smaller diameter holes over the shank of the Cap Screws. See Photo 3.

If the Summit Reloading Press is mounted back from the front edge of the bench,

attach the Primer Catcher using the 2 U-shaped connectors. See Photo 4.

The Summit Reloading Press Shell Holder Adapter accepts removable type shell

holders. To install, insert the shell holder into the Shell Holder Adapter and twist

slightly to the left. To remove, twist slightly to the right. See Photo 5.

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5

Photo 6

Photo 7

Photo 8