3! the silvercloud® main menu selections – LandAirSea SilverCloud Overdrive Live GPS Tracker User Manual

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5.3! The SilverCloud® Main Menu Selections

This section will help users navigate through the individual selections found on the Main Menu.


5.3.1! Historical Playback


To view Historical Data:

1. Select Historical Playback

from the Main Menu.


Select a vehicle from the
drop down menu if you are
viewing multiple vehicles.


Choose the Selected Timeframe that you want to view to specify a desired timeframe.


Select 3D Tour to view the playback in a 3D viewing window.


Select Positions to view all tracking data points in the historical report.


Select Loop to view playback in a continuous loop.


After the fields have all been set, click Generate Playback.


At this point Google Earth® may request to install a plug in if it has not already been
done. Allow the plug in to be downloaded and installed (this will not harm the computer).


The Playback Control will display on the
page along with an onscreen display of the
path of the route traveled by the vehicle
during the Start and End date time frame
selected on the calendar.

a. Play Button: Starts Playback.

b. Pause Button: Pauses Playback.

c. Toggle the

to adjust the speed of the playback

d. |<< / >>| Buttons: Jump Playback Forwards or Backwards.

e. The Exit Tour Button: Closes the Playback control screen.

f. Clock and speedometer display time and speed will be in conjunction with the tour

after Play is selected.