Kobra bass kks50, P. 2 – K-array KKS50 User Manual

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K-array is the new voice that sings aloud, "outside

the chorus", and whose performance is better than

any other products. Born on-the-road, in the PA

world, where you get no discount, you have to give

your best as fast as you can, often with a

"compressed" budget, K-Array systems have been

designed to give precise answers to precise

needs. K-Array systems are driven by new

generation digital engines, with

power/dimension/weight ratios that are ten

times better than any other professional

products; these systems can be remotely

controlled and come with a lot of on-board

software. K-array systems can shape their

performance following your taste and

needs. Inside K-array systems you will

find something that only K-array can

offer: the best in technology, proudly

conceived, designed and produced in

Italy. If they were cars, they would be

Ferrari. Don't agree to pay for a

simple brand, claim performance,

and don't believe those who

maintain that these products are

only for few people, the only truth

is that K-array systems are

unique, but affordable and within

everybody's reach!

HP Sound Equipment