JK Audio RIU-IP User Manual

Page 5

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The RIU-IP is compatible with the innkeeper 1x/1rx, innkeeper 2
and innkeeper 4 if they are have the following minimum firmware
versions found on those with the indicated serial numbers or later:

Innkeeper 1x:


serial # IN1X02186

Innkeeper 1rx:


serial # IN1RX02749

Innkeeper 2:


serial # IN201728

Innkeeper 4:


serial # IN401719

You can determine the current firmware version on an innkeeper 2
or innkeeper 4 by watching the display as the unit is powered on.
Because all of the innkeeper 2 / 4 units shipped prior to release of
the RIU-IP had older firmware, the RIU-IP will include new flash
chips for each of these units as well as instructions for installation.

There are two methods to determine the current firmware version
on an innkeeper 1x. You can connect the device to a serial port on
your computer following the instructions in your User Guide and
read the firmware number on your terminal emulator software. Or,
you can remove the top cover of the innkeeper 1x and look for the
flash chip with a white sticker on top and find the firmware version
printed on the sticker. If your innkeeper 1x/1rx needs to be
upgraded, please see the Downloads section on the innkeeper
1x/1rx page on our website at

or call our

Technical Support department at 800-552-8346.

We strive to keep all of our products updated with the best
functionality possible. Please check our website periodically to see
if there are any upgrades available for your RIU-IP that can be
downloaded and installed.

If you have any other questions on compatibility or upgrading your
existing hybrid, please contact our Technical Support department
at 800-552-8346.


Applications - innkeeper 2/4