Faqs – JK Audio Broadcast Host User Manual
Page 15

There is a loud hum on the output of my Broadcast Host, even
when nothing else is connected. What else could it be?
Make certain you are using the regulated power supply that was shipped with
this unit. Power supplies are not all the same.
I need to be able to use my Broadcast Host at an office building
but they only have a multi-line PBX phone system. Is there some
way I can still connect this device?
Talk to their phone specialist and ask for a standard analog line. Any line that
can be used for a fax machine or modem should work fine. The auto answer
or auto disconnect features may not work the same however. That depends
on how the PBX system is configured. If this is where you will typically be
working with the hybrid, you might consider our innkeeper PBX instead.
Can I still use my phone to take regular calls or do I have to
disconnect the Broadcast Host when I am not using it?
You can leave the Broadcast Host in place and your telephone will continue
to operate normally. Audio will only pass through the hybrid when you press
the “Call” button.