Control centering control horn settings, Dual rates, Control direction test – E-flite UMX Pitts S-1S BNF Basic User Manual

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Before the fi rst fl ights, or in the event of an
accident, make sure the fl ight control surfaces
are centered.
Adjust the linkages mechanically if
the control surfaces are not centered. Use of the
transmitter sub-trims may not correctly center the
aircraft control surfaces due to the mechanical
limits of linear servos.

1. Make sure the control surfaces are neutral

when the transmitter controls and trims are

centered. The transmitter sub-trim must

always be set to zero.

2. When needed, use a pair of pliers to carefully

bend the metal linkage (see illustration).

3. Make the U-shape narrower to make the

connector shorter. Make the U-shape wider

to make the linkage longer.

Centering Controls After First Flights
For best performance with AS3X, it is important
that excessive trim is not used.
If the aircraft re-
quires excessive transmitter trim (4 or more clicks
of trim per channel), return the transmitter trim
to zero and adjust the linkages mechanically so
that the control surfaces are in the fl ight trimmed

Control Centering

Control Horn Settings

The table to the right shows the factory settings for
the control horns. Fly the aircraft at factory settings
before making changes.

After fl ying, you may choose to adjust the linkage
positions for the desired control response.

CAUTION: When these are incorrectly

connected for the pilot’s skill level, unexpected
aircraft response to controls can result. This can
cause damage to the aircraft and personal injury.

Aileron Elevator Rudder

Dual Rates

To obtain the best fl ight performance, we
recommend using a DSM2/DSMX radio capable
of adjustable Dual Rates. The suggested settings
shown here are the recommended starting settings.
Adjust according to the individual preferences after
the initial fl ight.

NOTICE: Do not set your transmitter travel adjust
over 100%.
If the TRAVEL ADJUST is set over
100%, it will not result in more control movement, it
will overdrive the servo and cause damage.

It is normal for linear servos to make signifi cant
noise. The noise is not an indication of a faulty

Tip: For the fi rst fl ight, fl y the model in low rate.

Dual Rate












Control Direction Test

You should bind your aircraft and transmitter before
doing these tests. Move the controls on the trans-
mitter to make sure the aircraft control surfaces
move correctly and in the proper direction.

Make sure the tail linkages move freely and that
paint or decals are not adhered to them.