Installing the wing – E-flite Inverza 280 BNF Basic User Manual
Page 7

1. Slide the wing tube into the right wing.
2. Insert the right wing with the wing tube (A)
into the round hole in the wing slot of
the fuselage while connecting the right
aileron control.
NOTICE: When disconnecting the servo
connectors, do not pull on the servo wires.
Use a screwdriver or pliers to break the friction
fit of the servo connectors. Failure to do so
could result in damage to the servo wiring.
3. Install the left wing (B) by sliding it over
the wing tube to the fuselage while
connecting the left aileron control.
4. Invert the fuselage so the landing gear is
facing up. Secure the left and right wing to
the fuselage using the included screws (C).
5. Remove the receiver cover (D) from the
bottom of the fuselage.
6. Connect the aileron servos in the wings
to the Y-harness connectors in the
fuselage. The left and right aileron
servos can be connected to either side
of the Y-harness.
Tip: If you are using dual aileron/fl aperon
transmitter programming, connect the aileron
servo connectors to the AILE and AUX1 ports on
the receiver instead of using the
included Y-harness.
After connecting the servos to the separate
ports, program your transmitter for dual aileron/
fl aperon and differential to benefi t from the high
performance characteristics of this aircraft.
Installing the Wing