E-flite Inverza 280 BNF Basic User Manual

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he E-fl ite



280 Bind-N-Fly


Basic aircraft, designed by world champion Quique Somenzini, has


been specifi cally built to provide exceptional precision scale and 3D aerobatic performance so that you

can fl y from practically anywhere, such as a park or small fi eld. Everything you love about fl ying larger,
performance aerobatic airplanes has been packed into the Inverza 280. Beyond its advanced composite-
reinforced foam construction, you’ll appreciate how its expert-approved digital control and custom-tuned
power system components are installed which make it possible for you to get fl ying fast.

Along with your favorite DSM2




compatible transmitter, you can further assure the value of this

performance model is maintained by considering a quality 11.1V Li-Po fl ight battery, such as the E-fl ite
450mAh 3S 11.1V 50C Li-Po, 18AWG JST (EFLB4503SJ50), and a reliable charger, such as the E-fl ite

80W AC/DC Multi-Chemistry Battery Charger (EFLC3025).

Please be sure to read through this manual carefully so that you can successfully enjoy all the benefi ts this
outstanding E-fl ite model has to offer.

To register your product online, go to www.e-fl

Table of Contents


Motor: BL 280 Outrunner Motor,
1800Kv (EFLM7010)

BL Controller, 10A (EFLA7300)

AR6310 DSMX Nanolite 6Ch Rx, Air

(3) 3.5 g Digital Servo (EFLR7100)

Needed to Complete

Recommended Battery: 450mAh 3S
11.1V 50C Li-Po, 18AWG JST

Recommended Battery Charger:

80W AC/DC Multi-Chemistry

Battery Charger (EFLC3025)

Recommended Transmitter:

Full Range





technology with adjustable

Dual rate and exponential (DX6I and up)

26 in (660mm)

26 in (660mm)

(235 g)

Box Contents

Low Voltage Cutoff (LVC) .......................................4
Transmitter and Receiver Binding .........................4
Prefl ight Checklist .................................................4
Installing the Flight Battery ..................................5
Arming the ESC ....................................................6
Installing the Wing ................................................7
Control Direction Test ...........................................8
Control Centering .................................................8
Settings for Servo Arms ........................................8
Dual Rates and Expos ...........................................9
Adjusting Center of Gravity (CG) ..........................10

Removing the Landing Gear ................................11
Flying Tips and Repairs .......................................12
Post Flight Checklist ...........................................12
Service of Power Components ............................13
Troubleshooting Guide ........................................14
Limited Warranty ................................................15
Warranty and Service Information .......................16
Compliance Information for the European Union ..16
Replacement Parts ..............................................62
Optional Replacement and Accessories ...............63
Parts Contact Information ...................................63

Specifi cations