Initializing as3x, Settings for control horns, Control centering – E-flite UMX ASK-21 BNF User Manual
Page 8

The AS3X system will not activate until the throttle stick or trim is increased for the fi rst time. Once AS3X is
active, the control surfaces may move rapidly on the aircraft. This is normal.
AS3X will remain active until the battery is disconnected.
Initializing AS3X
Initializing AS3X also occurs after binding as previously described, but subsequent connection of a fl ight
battery requires the steps below.
Power on the Transmitter,
then wait 5 seconds
Install the fl ight battery and
connect it to the receiver.
Keep the plane
immobile and away
from wind for 5 seconds.
Settings for Control Horns
Only the factory setting for the rudder control horn
is shown here because only the rudder linkage can
be adjusted. After fl ying, carefully adjust the linkage
position for the desired control response.
Before the fi rst fl ights, or in the event of an
accident, make sure the fl ight control surfaces
are centered. Adjust the linkages mechanically if
the control surfaces are not centered. Use of the
transmitter sub-trims may not correctly center the
aircraft control surfaces due to the mechanical
limits of linear servos.
1. Make sure the control surfaces are neutral
when the transmitter controls and trims are
centered. The transmitter sub-trim must
always be set to zero.
2. When needed, use a pair of pliers to carefully
bend the metal linkage (see illustration).
3. Make the U-shape narrower to make the
connector shorter. Make the U-shape wider
to make the linkage longer.
Centering Controls After First Flights
For best performance with AS3X, it is important
that excessive trim is not used. If the model re-
quires excessive transmitter trim (4 or more clicks
of trim per channel), return the transmitter trim to
zero and adjust the linkages mechanically so that
the control surfaces are in the fl ight
trimmed position.
Control Centering