Blocking and unblocking content by rating, Changing the parental control passcode, Resetting the content locks – Vizio D390-B0 - User Manual User Manual

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Using the Parental Controls
The TV’s parental controls allow you to prevent the TV from

displaying certain channels or programs without a password.

The Parental Controls menu only appears when:

• You are using an the tuner receive your TV signals, such

as when you are using an antenna for Over-the-Air

signals or when connected to cable TV directly from the

wall (no cable box).

• You have a device connected using a composite video

cable or a coaxial cable, such as a VCR, satellite or

cable box, or DVR.

Accessing the Parental Controls Menu
To access the Parental Controls menu:

1. Press the MENU button on the remote. The on-screen menu is


2. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight System

and press OK. The SYSTEM menu is displayed.

3. Use the Arrow buttons on the remote to highlight Parental

Controls and press OK.

4. Enter your parental passcode. If you have not set a

passcode, enter the default, 0000. The Parental Controls

menu is displayed.

To set a custom parental passcode, see


the Parental Control Passcode on page 39.

Enabling or Disabling Program Ratings
To manage program content according to its rating, you must

enable the Program Rating feature.

To enable or disable the Program Rating feature:

1. From the Parental Controls menu, highlight Locks and press

OK. The LOCKS menu is displayed.

2. Select On or Off and press OK.

Locking and Unlocking Channels
When a channel is locked, it will be inaccessible. Locking

a channel is a good way to prevent children from viewing

inappropriate material.

To lock or unlock a channel:

1. From the Parental Controls menu, highlight Channel Locks

and press OK. The CHANNEL LOCKS menu is displayed.

2. Highlight the channel you want to lock or unlock and press


3. When a channel is locked, the Lock icon appears locked.

The channel is not accessible unless the parental passcode

is entered.

4. When a channel is unlocked, the Lock icon appears

unlocked. The channel is accessible.