CTL Instant Notify User Manual
Page 7

Creating a Notification Callout List
Instant Notify User Manual
The next screen offers logical option choices for creating a new notification list
and editing or deleting an existing list.
Figure 2 List and Message Recording Management Options
Which TAB you select to start with depends on whether or not a recorded message
already exists to assign to a list. List members will hear the associated message
when they are called.
If you plan to record a new notification voice message, it is probably more logical
to start by clicking the Manage My Recordings TAB. The reasoning for this is
that when creating a list, you will be asked which voice recording should be
assigned to be played to the list members. By making sure the recording is already
available, you can select existing recorded messages from a drop down list. There
will be no need to interrupt your list creation sequence to go back and record a
message. There is no right or wrong to the sequence you follow, as long as you
complete all requirements the list asks for to be completed.
For the purposes of illustration in this manual, the Manage My Recordings TAB
will be selected first. A notification message will be recorded and then a list will
be created. Member information will be added to the list and then the notification
date/time instructions will be entered.
TABS For selecting
Message Recording
The details of the notification lists
you create will be shown here.