Supported formats – Calibrated Software IMX Decode v2 User Manual

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Supported Formats

.MOV File Formats *
Please note that .MOV files must be using an Apple FourCC tag

Calibrated{Q} IMX Decode supports decoding IMX video from the following .MOV files:

IMX NTSC & PAL .MOV files at 30 / 40 / 50 Mb

.MXF File Formats*
(For Windows or Mac computers without FC Pro/Studio/Server)
When Calibrated{Q} IMX Decode is used in conjunction with Calibrated{Q} MXF Import, IMX MXF Files can be viewed
and used in applications such as QuickTime Player and CatDV, see the

Calibrated{Q} MXF Import User Guide (PDF)


more details. Please note that Calibrated{Q} MXF Import and Calibrated{Q} IMX Decode are separate products and
each product requires its own purchased Software License.


: Please read the section ‘Special Note: IMX NTSC MOV files created for FCP’ in this User Guide when

dealing with IMX NTSC MOV files where the MOV file-

wrapper is ‘tagged’ as having ‘Lower-Field’ first or Undefined fields.

*Playback performance can vary widely in different applications depending on how an application uses QuickTime, and running the software in a virtual
OS is not supported. See Performance section for more details.