Calculated Industries 8703 User Manual

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calculates current local water vapor pressure, saturation
water vapor pressure, and dew point temperature.
Default value is 0% RH.


Wind Speed – Enters current local wind speed;

calculates corrected ET and speed.

Elevation / Air Density Index – Enters current local
elevation; calculates air density index and density
altitude. Default elevation is 0 feet. Default air density
index is 100%. Default density altitude is -0.001 feet
(effectively 0 feet).


Wind Direction – Enters the current local wind direction.

A direct headwind is entered as 0°, a direct crosswind is
entered as 90°, and a direct tailwind is entered as 180°.
You can enter a value from 0° to 360°.

Vehicle Weight – Enters or calculates the vehicle’s
weight. Vehicle weight typically includes the driver’s
weight. Calculates vehicle weight given ET and HP or
MPH and HP.


Frontal Area – Enters the vehicle’s frontal area when

correcting for wind conditions. This is the view of the
vehicle from “head-on”, measuring from bottom of front
bumper to the top of the roof and the widest point to
point of the race car (e.g. door handle to door handle).

Elapsed Time – Enters or calculates the vehicle’s
quarter-mile drag strip elapsed time in seconds;
calculates the vehicles eighth-mile drag strip elapsed
time in seconds; calculates the vehicle’s horsepower
correction factor (HPc) and Motorsport Standard
Atmosphere (MSA) adjusted elapsed time and speed
when the appropriate weather conditions are entered.