Bonide Weed Beater ULTRA RTU User Manual
Page 4

For Containers with Trigger Sprayers: This product is applied directly
from the container fitted with the trigger sprayer. Shake the container well.
Direct the spray to the target weeds to provide uniform coverage of the
upper leaf surfaces. Apply to the point of runoff only. Excessive spraying
can injure lawns.
For best results, treat weeds in the spring and the fall when weeds are
actively growing. However, this product is effective any time during the
growing season.
• Do not apply when air temperatures are above 85˚F as lawn injury can
• Hard-to-kill weeds may require a repeat application in 3 weeks.
• Do not water lawn within 12 hours of application. If rainfall occurs within
12 hours after application, retreatment may be necessary.
• Do not apply to newly seeded lawns until after the second mowing.
• Delay application to newly sodded, plugged, or sprigged lawns until
new grass has been mowed four times.
• Treated areas may be reseeded 2 weeks after application.
• Applications to dormant bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, and St.
Augustinegrass may be used to control actively growing broadleaf