Bonide Weed Beater Lawn Weed Killer Conc. User Manual

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Use on bahiagrass, bermudagrass, Kentucky bluegrass, fescue, perennial ryegrass,

zoysiagrass, centipedegrass, and St. Augustinegrass lawns, vacant lots, playgrounds

and other similar areas where broadleaf weeds are present. This product is especially

effective on all hard-to-kill weeds such as poison ivy, poison oak, sheep sorrel and

spurge. In addition, this product controls most other broadleaf weeds, including

sensitive weeds such as chickweed, clover, dandelion, knotweed and plantain. A partial

list is given on a following panel.



1. Spray during the growing season when weeds are actively growing.

2. On new lawns, wait until the grass has reached a height of 2 inches before making

an overall spray treatment. However, a spot treatment may be made at any time

with a small pressure sprayer. Wait 3 weeks before seeding or planting stolons,

plugs, or sprigs.

3. Poor weed control may result if spray is applied during drought or just before rain.

4. For best results, mow before treating.

5. Do not water lawn within 24 hours after treatment.

HOSE END SPRAYER – Use a hose end sprayer designed for lawns. Pour specified

amount of product (Column 1) in bottle and add water to indicated level (Column 2), and

spray on area shown in Column 3. For example, to spray 2,500 square feet measure

10 fluid ounces (20 tablespoons) in jar, add water to the 10 gallon level, and mix. Turn

on hose and spray as evenly as possible over 2,500 square feet.