Bonide Weed Beater "Southern Lawns RTS" User Manual

Weed beater southern lawns ready to spray

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weed beater southern lawns

ready to spray

EPA Est. No. 4-NY-1

EPA Reg. No. 228-181-4
©Bonide Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Distributed by

Bonide Products, Inc.

6301 Sutliff Road

Oriskany, NY 13424

hose-end sprayer, just connect hose,
turn on water and spray.
controls: chickweed, dandelion, ground ivy,
clover, henbit, spurge, poison ivy, poison oak and
other listed broadleaf weeds.
for use on: st. augustine grass, bahia, common
bermuda, centipede, zoysia, also for bent.