Bonide Systemic Insect Control User Manual
Page 4
For Obscure Root Weevil (Adults): Spray foliage in late spring as soon
as feeding is noticed (usually about April). Repeat every 4 weeks through
September. (Mid-July through August are the peak feeding times.)
For Black Vine Weevil: Spray foliage and soil beneath plants. Begin
applications in mid-June. Spray 4 times, waiting 3 weeks between each
For Grasshoppers: Spray foliage of plants and soil beneath plants.
Honeysuckle Aphid on Honeysuckle: Spray thoroughly as leaves begin
spring expansion. Reapply in 2 weeks with a third spray 4 weeks after
second application.
Systemic Insect Control can be used on over 100 plant varieties including:
abelia, ageratum, alder, aluminum plant, alyssum, arborvitae, ardisia, ash,
asparagus fern, aster, azalea, bald cypress, barberry, begonia, birch, bird
of paradise, bischofia, bougainvillea, Boston ivy, boxwood, calendula,
camellia, carissa, carnation, catalpa, cedar, cherry laurel, Chinese elm,
Chinese holly, chrysanthemum, cockspur thorn, coleus, cotoneaster,
crape myrtle, croton, Cuban laurel (ficus), dahlia, daisy, dieffenbachia,
dracaena, euonymus, false aralia, fir, flowering almond, flowering cherry,
flowering plum, fruitless mulberry, fuchsia, gardenia, geranium, gladiolus,
gloxinia, hackberry, hawthorn, hemlock, hibiscus, holly, honey locust,
honeysuckle, ivy, juniper, lantana, ligustrum, lilac, linden, magnolia,