Bonide Systemic Houseplant User Manual

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Adelgids, Aphids, Armored Scales* (suppression),

Fungus Gnat Larvae, Japanese Beetle Adults, Lace

bugs, Leaf Beetles*, (including Elm Leaf, Viburnum

Leaf, and Lily Leaf Beetles), Leafhoppers (including

Glassy-winged Sharpshooter), Leafminers (including

Birch and Boxwood Leafminers), Mealybugs, Pine

Tip Moth Larvae*, Plant bugs*, Psyllids*, Root Weevil

Larvae (including black vine weevils), Sawfly Larvae*,

Soft Scales* (including lobate lac scales), Thrips,

Whiteflies, White Grub larvae (such as Japanese

Beetles, Chafers, European Chafer, Oriental Beetle,

Asiatic Garden Beetle)

*Not for this use in California.





STOP - Read This Entire Label Before Use

It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a

manner inconsistent with its labeling. For best results,

read and follow all label directions.

Do not apply near fish pools, ponds, lakes or streams.

Do not use in vegetable gardens. Food utensils such

as teaspoons or measuring cups should not be used

for food purposes after use with insecticides.

This product is for use on containerized plants

(except edible plants) to kill insect pests listed in the

following table. This product is absorbed by roots

and moves through the entire plant. New growth is

protected against insects for up to 8 weeks.