Bonide Sulfur Dust User Manual

Page 4

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brown rot, red spider, leaf spot, powdery mildew,

rust, scab, stem blight: 1 to 3 rounded Tbs./gal.

water. Begin in pink stage. Repeat at bloom,

petal fall, and in cover stages, at 7 to 14 day

intervals up to time of harvest, and post harvest

for leaf spot.


brown rot, rust mite, two spotted mite, citrus red

spider, thrips; soft, red, yellow, purple, black,

Citricola scale: 2 to 3 level Tbs./gal. water. Apply

according to state recommendations up to day

of harvest.

powdery mildew, red spider: 1 ½ to 3 level Tbs./

gal. water. Begin before disease appears. Repeat

at 10 day intervals up to day of harvest.

powdery mildew, rust: 1 to 3 level Tbs./gal. water.

Begin when new shoots are 6 inches long. Repeat

before blossoms open and continue as necessary

up to day of harvest. Note: Concord and other

labrusca type grapes may be injured by sulfur.

brown rot, leaf spot, powdery mildew, peach

canker, rust, scab, shothole, red spider: 1 to 3

rounded Tbs./gal. water. Apply at pink, bloom,

petal fall, shuck split, shuck fall, and at 10-14 day

intervals as long as necessary, up to day of harvest.