Bonide Snake Stopper User Manual

Bonide Gardening equipment

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Bonide® SNAKE STOPPER™ Snake Repellent

Bonide® SNAKE STOPPER™ Snake Repellent effectively

repels snakes from around your home. Apply around homes,

garages, barns, swimming pools, gardens, garden sheds,

woodpiles, and other areas where snakes may be a problem.

May be used in areas where children and pets play. Bonide®

SNAKE STOPPER™ Snake Repellent is biodegradable and will

not harm lawns, gardens, flowerbeds or other desirable plants

when used as directed. Not for aquatic use. Do not apply directly

to crops being grown for food or feed.

This product is exempt from registration with the Federal EPA

under section 25(b) of FIFRA, and as such, is not registered with

the Environmental Protection Agency. Bonide represents that the

ingredients qualify for exemption from registration under FIFRA.

The unique blend of ingredients in this product trigger escape/

avoidance behavior in snakes. Snakes actually taste the air around

them (via a receptor organ known as the Jacobson's organ), this

product provides a powerful scent/taste repellent that snakes find

unpleasant and which triggers a natural reaction to escape and avoid.

Bonide® SNAKE STOPPER™ Snake Repellent does not harm snakes,

it drives them away, naturally.

Perimeter/Barrier Treatment

Using the convenient dispenser cap on this package, lightly sprinkle a

band 6 - 8 inches wide, next to and around the area you wish to protect. It is

not necessary to completely cover the ground with product. One pound will

treat a band 8 inches wide by 50 feet in length. If after 2 weeks no snakes

have been observed, a broadcast/maintenance application may be made

at the rate of 1 lb. per 100 sq. ft. Do not water in after application. Reapply

product after heavy rains or every two weeks to obtain best results.

Endangered Species Considerations - Before using this product, consult with

State or local wildlife authorities to ensure that use does not present a hazard

to any threatened or endangered species. Where necessary, obtaining all

required permits and licenses is the responsibility of the applicator.

User Precautions - Reminder: Some snakes are poisonous, NEVER attempt to

pickup a snake unless you are properly trained, experienced and know which

species you are dealing with. Handling wild snakes is best left to experts. Contact

your local wildlife management office for further information.

Bonide Products, Inc.

6301 Sutliff Road

Oriskany, NY 13424



Do not apply directly to water.
NOTICE: Buyer assumes all responsibility for safety and use not in accordance with

label directions.


Product can cause moderate eye irritation. For certain individuals, skin irritation

may occur. In case of eye contact, flush with plenty of water. In case of skin

irritation, wash area thoroughly with soap and water. Seek medical attention if

irritation persists.


Store and transport in an upright position. Store only in original container, in a dry

place inaccessible to children and pets. Do not reuse empty container. Discard

empty container in trash.