Bonide MoleMax Rx User Manual

Bonide Gardening equipment

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Castor Oil, USP ................................................................................................ 20%

OTHER INGREDIENTS* ..................................................................................... 80%

TOTAL: .............................................................................................................. 100%

*Calcium Carbonate, Attapulgite-type clay, Urea, Humic Acids (CAS No. 1415-93-6),

Potassium Salts
MOLEMAX-Rx Mole Repellent with lawn revitalizer …… For Quick Recovery of

Mole Damaged Lawns. Repel listed pests, Revitalize and Renew your lawn! Effectively

rids your lawn, gardens and plantings of Moles, Voles, Gophers, Armadillos, Skunks,

Rabbits, Ground Squirrels and other burrowing animals.
MOLEMAX-Rx Mole Repellent with lawn revitalizer is an effective means of

repelling burrowing animals from desirable turf and ornamental plantings areas.

When used as directed, this product can be safely used around children and pets and

will not harm lawns, gardens, flowerbeds or other desirable plants. Use MOLEMAX-

Rx Mole Repellent with lawn revitalizer for quick recovery of mole damaged lawns,

enhanced lawn growth, vigor, green color and thickness.
This product is exempt from registration with the Federal EPA under section 25(b)

of FIFRA, and as such, is not registered with the Environmental Protection Agency.

Bonide represents that this product and its ingredients qualify for exemption from

registration under FIFRA.
Directions for Use

How To Use: Apply 10 lbs. per 10,000 sq. ft. Lightly watering in the granules after

application speeds up the release of material and its penetration into the soil, or you

can choose to simply wait for the next rainfall. After application, mole, vole & gopher

activity may increase, as they leave the treated area. Reapply if you see new activity

in mounds and tunnels.
Using a spreader: To apply this product with a spreader, consult spreader setting

instructions for your particular spreader. If uncertain about proper spreader setting,

begin at the lowest setting that allows the product to flow evenly through the

spreader, and apply 10 lbs per 10,000 sq. ft., going over the area to be treated, twice

if necessary.
In Florida - Do not exceed 2 applications per year to Centipedegrass; 4 applications

per year to Bahiagrass; 5 applications per year to St. Augustinegrass; and 7

applications per year to Bermudagrass or Zoysiagrass.
Use When Planting: For Bulbs: After placing bulb in hole, apply one (1) tablespoon

of product into the hole, making sure granules surround the bulb, then backfill with

soil. When planting ornamental flowers and shrubs such as: Roses, Azaleas,

Rhododendrons, Mums, etc., apply two (2) tablespoons to the bottom of the planting

hole and three (3) to four (4) tablespoons to the soil mix before back filling.




Total Nitrogen (N) ........................................................................... 0.7%

0.7% Urea Nitrogen

Calcium (Ca) ..................................................................................10.0%

Magnesium (Mg) ............................................................................. 1.0%

x.x% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg)

Derived from urea and calcium carbonate.


1.0% Humic Acids from Leonardite

Purpose: Humic Acids may aid in plant uptake of nutrients


First Aid and User Precautions: CAUTION. Product can cause moderate eye irritation.

For certain individuals, skin irritation may occur. In case of eye contact, flush with plenty

of water, seek medical attention if irritation persists. In case of skin irritation, wash area

thoroughly with soap and water, seek medical attention if irritation persists.
Storage and Disposal: Store and transport in an upright position. Store only in original

container, in a dry place inaccessible to children and pets. Do not reuse empty container.

Discard empty container in trash.
Other precautions: Do not apply directly to water. Do not apply near water, storm

drains or drainage ditches. Do not apply if heavy rain is expected. Apply this product

only to your lawn, and sweep any product that lands on the driveway, sidewalk or street

back onto your lawn.
Buyer’s Guarantee Limited to Label Claims
This product is not registered in Indiana and therefore should not be offered for

sale or use in this state.
Information regarding the contents and levels of metals in this product is available on the

internet at
A lawn will typically utilize 1 to 4 lbs. of nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. per growing season.

When used as directed, this product will supplement your regular fertilization program

by providing 0.7 lb. of nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. Please consult your local extension office

for questions regarding a regular fertilizer program.

Manufactured/Guaranteed By

Bonide Products, Inc.

6301 Sutliff Road

Oriskany, NY 13424





#530 5


AccuGreen 4





Earthway 7



#540 2




