Bonide Mancozeb Flowable w/Zinc Conc. User Manual
Page 3

Controls Alternaria leaf spot, Anthracnose, Downy mildew,
Gummy stem blight - Mix 4 to 5 tsp. per gal. Start applications
when plants are in the two-leaf stage and repeat at 7 to 10
day intervals. Use sufficient water and direct spray to provide
thorough coverage of both upper and lower leaf surfaces. Do
not apply within 5 days of harvest. Do not make more than 8
applications per season.
Controls Early blight, Late blight - Mix 2 to 4 tsp. per gal.
Begin applications when plants are 4 to 6 inches high. Repeat
applications at 5 to 10 day intervals. It is recommended that
this product be used within an Integrated Pest Management
Program. Also, vine-kill should occur 14 days before harvest.
Do not apply within 3 days of harvest in CT, DE, ME, MA,
MI, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, VT, and WI, and at least 14 days
elsewhere. Do not make more than 7 applications per season.
Controls Botrytis leaf blight, Downy mildew, Neck rot, Purple
blotch - Mix 5 tsp. per gal. Follow a protective spray schedule
starting when diseases are first reported in the area and repeat
at 7 day intervals throughout the season. Do not allow spray or
drift to contact bulbs after lifting from soil. Do not apply within 7
days of harvest. Do not apply to exposed bulbs. Do not make
more than 10 applications per season.
Controls Downy mildew, Anthracnose - Mix 4 to 5 tsp. per gal.
Start applications when plants are in the two-leaf stage and
repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals. Use sufficient water and direct
spray to provide thorough coverage of both upper and lower
leaf surfaces. Do not apply within 5 days of harvest. Do not
make more than 8 applications per season.