Bonide GO AWAY Deer & Rabbit Repellent Granules User Manual
Bonide Gardening equipment

This product effectively repels Deer and Rabbits from around
your home and garden area. Apply around homes, gardens,
landscaping and other areas where deer and/or rabbits are
undesirable. May be used in areas where children and pets play.
This product is biodegradable and will not harm lawns, gardens,
flowerbeds or other desirable plants when used as directed.
This product is exempt from registration with the Federal EPA
under section 25(b) of FIFRA, and as such, is not registered with
the Environmental Protection Agency. Bonide represents that the
ingredients qualify for exemption from registration under FIFRA.
The unique blend of ingredients in this product causes a mild irritation
to animal’s nasal passages. When an animal touches, tastes or
smells this product, this irritation triggers the natural instinct to escape/
avoid and the animal simply leaves. This product provides a powerful
scent/taste repellent that animals find unpleasant and irritating. This
product does not harm the animal, it drives them away, naturally.
This product is an animal behavior modification tool. It may need to
be supplemented with other behavior modification techniques to break
animals of existing bad habits.
Best results are obtained when application is made at least 6 hours
prior to anticipated rainfall. To maintain effectiveness, reapplication is
recommended after heavy or frequent rainfall. Under normal conditions,
this product will last up to 2 months, however, to achieve maximum
effectiveness, follow the application instructions listed below.
How To Use: This product can be applied as either a Broadcast application
at the rate of 1 pound per 500 sq. ft. or as a Perimeter/Barrier treatment,
sprinkling a band 6 – 8 inches wide, next to and around the area you wish to
protect. When treating young, vulnerable plantings, make first application at
the beginning of their growth cycle and repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals during
periods of rapid growth. Apply monthly during periods of moderate growth. Do
not apply directly to vegetable crops intended for human consumption. Apply to
the area around desirable vegetables to form a repelling barrier.
Before using this product, consult with State or local wildlife authorities to ensure
that use does not present a hazard to any threatened or endangered species.
Where necessary, obtaining all required permits and licenses is the responsibility
of the applicator.
Bonide Products, Inc.
6301 Sutliff Road
Oriskany, NY 13424
Do not apply directly to water.
If not completely satisfied, return unused portion of product, along with purchase
receipt to Bonide Products, Inc. for a refund.
Product can cause moderate eye irritation. For certain individuals, skin irritation
may occur. In case of eye contact, flush with plenty of water. In case of skin
irritation, wash area thoroughly with soap and water. Seek medical attention if
irritation persists. Do not use this product if you are allergic to eggs.
Store and transport in an upright position. Store only in original container, in a dry
place inaccessible to children and pets. Do not reuse empty container. Discard
empty container in trash.