Bonide Fungonil Conc. User Manual
Page 7

This product may be used in greenhouses. DO NOT use mistblowers or high pressure
spray equipment when making applications of this product in greenhouses.
This product is recommended for control of fungal diseases referred to by numbers in
parentheses following each type of ornamental plant. The user should test for possible
phytotoxic responses, using recommended rates on each type of ornamental plant on
a small area prior to widespread use. Applications made during bloom may damage
flowers and/or fruits.
Broadleaf Shrubs and Trees
Andromeda (Pieris) (4)
Ash (Fraxinus) (1)
Aspen (1)
Azalea (1,2,4)
Buckeye, Horsechestnut (1)
Camellia (2)
Cherry-laurel (1)
Crabapple (1,6)
Dogwood (1)
Eucalyptus (3)
Euonymus (1)
Firethorn (Pyracantha) (1)
Flowering almond (1,2)
Flowering cherry (1,2)
Flowering peach (1,2)
Flowering plum (1,2)
Flowering quince (1,2)
Hawthorn (1,6)
Holly (1)
Lilac (5)
Magnolia (1)
Maple (1)
Mountain laurel (1)
Oak (red group only) (1,7)
Oregon-grape (Mahonia) (6)
Red-tip (Photinia) (1)
Poplar (1)
Privet (Ligustrum) (1)
Rhododendron (1,2,4)
Sand cherry (1,2)
Sequoia (1)
Spirea (1)
Sycamore, Planetree (1)
Viburnum (5)
Walnut (Juglans) (1)
Floweringa Plants and Bulbs
Arabian violet (2)
Begonia (1)
Carnation (1,2)
Chrysanthemum (1,2)
Crocus (1)
Daffodil (1)
Daisy (1)
Geranium (1,6)
Gladiolus (1,2)
Hollyhock (6)
(foliage only) (1,6)
Iris (1,2)
Lily (1)
Marigold (1)
Narcissus (1)
Pansy (1)
Petunia (1,4)
Phlox (1)
Poinsettiab (1)
a/Avoid applications during bloom period on plants where flower injury is unacceptable.
b/Discontinue applications prior to bract formation; phytotoxicity is possible on the bracts.
c/Use 1 ½ Tbs. of this product per 4 gallons of water.
Rosec (1)
Statice (1)
Tulip (1)
Zinnia (1,5)