Bonide Eight Flower & Vegetable Granules User Manual
Page 5

Ground Beetles, Ground Pearl, Leaf
Hoppers, Lucerne Moth, Mealybugs,
Mole Crickets (including Tawny Mole
Cricket, Southern Mole Cricket,
Short-Winged Mole Cricket), Pillbugs,
Seed Maggots, Spiders, Springtails,
Striped Grassworm, Ticks (including
ticks that may transmit Lyme Disease),
Two-lined Spittle Bugs, Webworms
(including Sod Webworm, Grass
Webworm, Tropical Sod Webworm),
Weevils (including Hyperodes,
Bluegrass), Wireworms
Centipedes, Millipedes, Pavement
Mole Crickets
Application Rate
For Fire Ant Mounds: Uniformly
apply 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons of
granules to the surface of each mound.
For best results apply in cool weather,
65 to 80 F, in early morning or late
evening hours. Avoid disturbing ants.
Treat new mounds as they appear.
Thoroughly water the treated area after
Uniformly apply 1 lb per 250 sq ft. area
of lawn. For best results, thoroughly
water the treated area after application.
Uniformly apply 1 to 2 pounds over
a 500 sq. ft. For best results, treat in
late spring and water thoroughly after
In New York State, this product may NOT be applied to any grass or turf area
(lawns) within 100 feet of a water body (lake, pond, river, stream, wetland, or
drainage ditch).
In New York State, do make a single repeat application of this product if there
are signs of renewed insect activity, but not sooner than two weeks after the
first application.