Bonide Dragoon Dust w/copper User Manual

Page 6

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DISEASES Early and late blights

Early and late blight,

anthracnose, bacterial

spot, leaf spots, nail

head rust, Septoria and

Stemphylium leaf mold Early and late blight,

anthracnose, bacterial

spot, leaf spots, nail

head rust, Septoria and

Stemphylium leaf mold Early and late blight,

anthracnose, bacterial

spot, leaf spots, nail

head rust, Septoria and

Stemphylium leaf mold

CROP Potato, Sweet Potato







Colorado potato beetle, flea beetle, leafhopper


young tomato hornworm, tomato pinworm,

tarnished plant bug, stink bug, aphid, thrips,

white fly

, mealybugs, Japanese beetle.

Colorado potato beetle, flea beetle, leafhopper


young tomato hornworm, tomato pinworm,

tarnished plant bug, stink bug, aphid, thrips,

white fly

, mealybugs, Japanese beetle.

Colorado potato beetle, flea beetle, leafhopper


young tomato hornworm, tomato pinworm,

tarnished plant bug, stink bug, aphid, thrips,

white fly

, mealybugs, Japanese beetle.

Colorado potato beetle, flea beetle, leafhopper


young tomato hornworm, tomato pinworm,

tarnished plant bug, stink bug, aphid, thrips,

white fly

, mealybugs, Japanese beetle.




12 oz per 1000 sq. ft. Apply every 5 days; do not exceed

10 applications per season. (7) day PHI 2½ oz per 1000 sq. ft. Apply every 3 days; do not exceed

32 applications per season. (3) day PHI

4 oz per 1000 sq. ft. Apply every 7 days; do not exceed

10 applications per season. (3) day PHI

4 oz per 1000 sq. ft. Apply every 3 days; do not exceed

15 applications per season. (3) day PHI