Bonide Copper Dust User Manual
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It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner
inconsistent with its labeling.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact adults,
children, or pets, either directly or through drift. Do not allow
adults, children, or pets to enter the treated area until sprays
have dried or dusts have settled.
This product is intended for small garden use only.
Use lower rates when plants are small, and the higher rates
when plants are well developed, during heavy rain seasons, or
when disease conditions are severe.
As a Dust: Control of disease depends upon thorough and
complete application (a thin, uniform film) to both tops and
undersides of leaves. Small canisters may be used as a duster
by partially crushing and rapidly squeezing the sides in upright
position, or use a good pressure duster. Application when wind
is very light or absent, usually early morning or evening, will
prevent drift and loss of product to adjacent areas.
As a Spray: (Using hand or tank sprayers) – Consult spray
table below. Add proper amount of powder to small amount
of water, strain, add remainder of water and spray – agitate
sprayer to keep nozzle from plugging. Apply 3 gallons of mixed
solution to a small tree or bush, 6 gallons of mixed solution to
a medium size tree, or 9 gallons of mixed solution to a large
tree. Thoroughly spray upper and lower surfaces of foliage to
the point of runoff. Do not overspray.