Use sites – Bonide Bug & Slug Killer User Manual
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For seedlings spread the bait around the base of the
stem. For trees or shrubs, spread the bait around the
base of the tree. For small plots, treat around the
base of the plants to be protected. In greenhouses,
scatter the bait in the pots of plants being damaged
or around pots on greenhouse benches.
Evening is the best time to apply the bait as pests
travel and feed mostly by night or early morning.
Treat all likely areas of infestation, especially around
the perimeter of garden plots, for slugs and snails
because these pests travel into plant areas from
daytime refuges.
Vegetables: artichokes (globe), asparagus,
beans, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage,
cantaloupe, carrots, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers,
eggplants, garlic, lettuce, onions, peas, peppers,
potatoes, radishes, rutabagas, spinach, soybeans,
squash, Swiss chard, tomatoes and turnips; Fruits:
apples, avocados, apricots, cherries, grapes, melons,
peaches, plums, citrus, pears; Berries: strawberries,
blueberries, loganberries; Outdoor Ornamentals;
Greenhouses (Non-Commercial); Lawns; Turf.
Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage
or disposal.
PESTICIDE STORAGE: Store this product in its
original container and keep in a secure storage area
out of reach of children and domestic animals.
CONTAINER HANDLING: Nonrefillable. Do not reuse or
refill this container.
If empty: Place in trash or offer for
recycling if available.
If partly filled: Call your local solid
waste agency for disposal instructions. Never place
unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.