Bonide Beetle Killer User Manual
Page 4

Table 1. Ornamental Trees, Shrubs & Flowers Pest Control Cont.
Use Site
Non-bearing Citrus,
Chrysanthemum, Carnation,
Coleus, Common Ninebark,
Conifers, Douglas Fir, Elm,
English Ivy, Euonymus,
Exacum, Weeping
Fig, Fir, Gladioli, Gold
Bells, Hawthorn, Holly,
Honeysuckle, Hypoestes,
Ivy, Juniper, Lilac,
Locust, Maple, Marigold,
Mimosa, Mock Orange,
Nannyberry, Oak, Orchid,
Palm, Pansy, Pea Shrub,
Petunia, Philodendron,
Pine, Ornamental Plum,
Poinsettia, Poplar, Tulip
Poplar, Rhododendron,
Roses, Snapdragon,
Snowberry, Spruce, Taxus,
Willow, Zinnia.
Insects Controlled
Flea beetles, Forest tent caterpillar, Gypsy
moth larvae, Japanese beetle (adults),
June beetles (adults), Lace bugs,
Leaf feeding caterpillars, Leafhoppers,
Leafminers (adult), Leaf rollers, Leaf
skeletonizers, Mealybugs, Midges,
Oleander moth larvae, Pillbugs, Pine sawfly,
Pine shoot beetles, Pineneedle scale
(crawler), Pinetip moths, Plant bugs, Root
weevil, Sawfly, Scale insects
Spiders, Spider mites, Spittlebugs, Striped
beetles, Striped oakworm, Thrips, Tip moth,
Tussock moth larvae, Whiteflies
Agentine, Allegheny mound, Black
carpenter, Cornfield, Field, Florida
carpenter, Harvester, Honey, Pavement,
Southern, Sugar, Nuisance.
For bagworm control, apply when
bagworm larvae start to hatch.
For scale control, treat the whole plant,
including the stem, trunks and twigs.