Bonide Ant Bait Granules User Manual
Page 5

and foodstuffs. Apply liberally, scattering under and
behind refrigerator, cooler, stove, sink, dishwasher,
washing machine and dryer tubs; counters; into
openings around drains, water pipes and electrical
conduits; and in cracks and crevices along
baseboards and corners of cabinets, counter tops,
cupboards and closets. Remove all lower drawers
in kitchen and bathroom cabinets, bedroom dressers
and chests of drawers, then scatter liberally in
drawer wells. Any bait visible after application must
be brushed into cracks and crevices or removed.
Reapply as necessary. Bait may also be placed in
removable bait stations in areas accessible to insects
but inaccessible to children and pets. Always record
the location and number of bait stations. Regularly
inspect bait stations and replace bait as needed.
Exterior Baiting to Control and Kill Snails
and Slugs in Flower Gardens and Around
Ornamentals, Groundcovers and Shrubs: At the
beginning of the spring planting season (before
damage occurs), broadcast 6 ounces per 100 square
feet in areas likely to be infested with snails and
slugs. It is best to apply the bait during early morning
or evening when slugs and snails are present and
eating. Reapply every four weeks for satisfactory