Battery doctor – BLUESHAPE BSCVMon v2.0 User Manual

Page 12

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Batteries are organized in a tree, grouped by model. By selecting a model, the list of serial numbers tracked is shown.

For each battery, the list of charge sessions recorded is displayed:-select a session to watch the corresponding charts.

Charts can be manipulated in the same way as in the

Channel Viewer


Each charge session stores some data, regardless of whether the battery is a recognized model or not, .

The data recorded in each charge session consists of:

Model *
Serial number *
Session time
Cycle counter (*) of the battery at the beginning of the charge *
Full battery capacity (*) recorded by the battery: this parameter is automatically updated by the battery during usage
and reflect the available capacity of the battery when fully charged. This value is initially same as the nominal capacity
and starts to decrease with use and ageing.
Initial state of charge: state of charge of the battery when put on the charger

Complete charge: indicate whether the charge session is terminated naturally (battery full) or has been interrupted

(battery removed before full)

Analysis: indicate if the battery has been analyzed by the battery doctor

(*) not available for unknown batteries (batteries not communicating)


Battery Doctor

button if enabled, launches a special function to analyze the battery performance.

The Remove button permits the deletion of unrequired charge session data (one row at a time).

Battery Doctor

The Battery Doctor is a powerful function to analyze the battery performance during charge.

Any charge session can be analyzed including sessions of alien batteries.

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