Final test – Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems VORAD VS-400 SYSTEM INSTALL GUIDE User Manual
Page 36

Final Test
Final Test
VS-400 SmartCruise
Adaptive Cruise
Control and Collision Warning
Chassis S/N:
Trans Model:
Trans S/N:
Functionality Testing
Clutch Size/Type:
Shift Control S/N:
Validate SmartCruise
Adaptive Cruise Control Operation and CWS Operation (dyno environment preferred).
Start truck and verify VS-400 system powers-up (goes through bulb check with no faults
Bring truck up to road speed (50-60 MPH suggested).
Activate cruise control using vehicle controls (set speed switch, lever, button, etc.).
Visually inspect DIU for SmartCruise activation notifi cation.
Let truck speed stabilize.
Step on brake. (Truck should deactivate cruise function and coast).
Reactivate cruise function. (Truck should accelerate to set speed).
Step on clutch. (Truck should defuel, coast). Reactivate cruise function.
Step on accelerator. (Truck should accelerate).
Dyno Environment
Resume speed
Lower the door to the dyno, or move a refl ective target in front of Forward Looking Radar.
(15-30 feet away from and directly in front of Forward Looking Radar).
While the target is moving in front of radar, the VS-400 should see the target, (indicated
by the DIU displaying lights, CWS alerts, LCD screen, and audibles), and the vehicle
should defuel and apply the Jake brakes to slow vehicle speed.
Assuming the above functions performed properly, the vehicle defueled, the target
stopped moving (indicated by no target detection in the DIU), the vehicle engine did not
drop below 1000 rpm, and the road speed did not drop below minimum requirements, the
vehicle should now accelerate back to the set speed on its own.
If all tests performed and operated as outlined, the Adaptive Cruise Control and CWS
functionality test has completed properly, and the Adaptive Cruise Control validation
process is complete.
Because of the high horsepower engines in use today, and the ability of the Jake
brakes to apply twice the braking horsepower to the rear wheels, the truck may
defuel to the point the vehicle drops out of Cruise before the target has stopped
moving. This moving target, (indicated by the DIU displaying lights, LCD screen,
and audibles) would indicate a viable reason to defuel; thereby causing the vehicle
to Jake to the point the engine will disengage the cruise function. This is normal
and not a defi ciency with the system.
To test each specifi c CWS alert requires accurate road speed and target closing
distance calculations. Therefore, additional procedures are necessary to facilitate
this functionality.