Assembly – Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems SV-1 SYNCHRO/SV-3 TRAILER RELEASE User Manual

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Prior to assembly, lubricate the piston, o-rings and body
bores with Dow-Corning 55-M pneumatic grease (Bendix
Pc. No. 291126).
1. Install the inlet/exhaust valve in the body.
2. Install the inlet valve spring and valve stop (SV-1


or spring guide (SV-3

& SV-4

valve). NOTE: Install

the check valve in the small diameter end of the inlet-
exhaust valve return spring of the SV-4

valve before

installing in the body.

3. Install the o-ring on the supply cap nut then install and

tighten the cap nut. Torque to approximately 100 inch

4. Install piston return spring in body.
5. Install the small and large diameter o-rings on the piston.

Insert the piston into body. (Piston should now rest on
top of spring.)

6. Install the control port cap nut o-ring on the cap nut then

install and tighten the cap nut in body. Torque to
approximately 275 inch pounds.

7. Install the exhaust check valve if the valve assembly

was so equipped.

8. Perform tests as outlined in the “Operating and Leakage

Tests” section.