Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems BEPA (FORD) 15X4 CAM BRAKE 5/09 User Manual

Page 7

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7. Install the thick cam shaft fl at washer, the slack adjuster,

spacers, washer, and a new snap ring in that sequence
onto the splined end of the cam shaft. Adjust end play
of the cam shaft to between .005" and .045" by using
the appropriate number of spacer washers. Make sure
the snap ring is seated into the groove at the end of the
splined camshaft.

8. Install the anchor pin into the spider. Center the anchor

pin in the spider so it protrudes equally from each

9. Install new brake shoe retaining springs. Engage hook

ends of the two springs into each of the tabs of the two
brake shoes.

10. Place the top shoe onto the spider by engaging the

open slots on the end with the retaining springs onto the
anchor pin. Place opposite end of the shoe against the
S-cam. Swing the opposite shoe, with springs attached,
back until slots in the shoe engage the anchor pin, then
swing shoe toward the S-cam. Spring tension will hold
the shoes in this position.

11. Place the hook of the brake shoe return spring onto the

return spring pins on one shoe. Hold shoes against the
S-cam and connect the other hook of the brake shoe
return spring over the return spring pin of the other

12. Insert a sturdy bar between the end of one of the brake

shoes and the spider housing at the S-cam end of the
shoe. Pry down until the brake shoe roller and pin can
be installed between the S-cam and the slots in the end
of the brake shoe. Repeat the same procedure on the
other shoe.

13. Adjust the slack adjuster until the yoke pin can be

installed through the proper hole in the arm. Install a
new cotter pin to retain. Make sure the cam rollers are
in the lowest position on the cam.

14. Lubricate the cam shaft bushings by fi lling the cam shaft

tube with chassis lube through the zerk fi tting provided.
Fill until grease is forced out in the area of the slack
adjuster. Grease should not appear at the cam head
end. If it does, the new seal has not been properly
installed, or the old seals should be replaced.

15. Reinstall brake drums and wheels. Torque and adjust

to manufacturer’s specifi cations.

16. Spin the wheel slowly and adjust the slack adjuster

until wheel will no longer turn. Back off slack adjuster
just enough for wheel to spin freely. Be sure to adjust
brakes equally on each axle.

17. Apply and release brakes and observe slack adjusters.

Both slacks on each axle should respond rapidly and
in unison during application and release.

18. Drive vehicle at a low speed in a safe area and check

for brake effectiveness prior to putting back into service.