Bang & Olufsen BeoCord V8000_MS - User Guide User Manual
Bang & Olufsen Video

The BeoCord V 8000 videotape
recorder features all the Bang &
Olufsen qualities: Excellent sound
and picture qualities, and simple and
straightforward operation.
The BeoCord V 8000 is designed to
be used with BeoVision TVs
constituting an elegant Bang &
Olufsen Video system.
For complete operation of the
BeoCord V 8000, use the Beo4
remote control.
The Beo4 remote control integrates
remote operation of your BeoVision
TV and your BeoCord V 8000
videotape recorder.
User’s Guide
I N T R O D U C I N G B E O C O R D V 8 0 0 0