1 opening adr scripts, 1 the queue browser – Autocue WinCue Pro News ADR 2006 User Manual

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WinCue Pro News ADR Interface User Guide

Opening ADR Scripts in WinCue



Opening ADR scripts

Once you have connected the WinCue machine to the ADR network, as

discussed in the previous sections, you will be able to open Runorders and

scripts from the ADR newsroom system. This section will explain how to open

these ADR scripts in WinCue.

In WinCue click on the red folder button on the toolbar:


Left-click on the File menu and then select Open Queue from the drop-down


WinCue will now attempt to connect to the ADR server.

The 'Runorder/Queue Browser' will then be displayed. You can then edit and

prompt the scripts within the Runorder as described in the WinCue Pro News

manual provided with your WinCue Pro News package.


The Queue Browser

All the available Runorders that have been dumped from the ADR terminal are

listed in his box.