Wiring power cable – Wolo 7900 SERIES Lookout User Manual
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19. Route the cable that has six-(6) colored wires to the switch controller. Match the cable’s colored
wires to the same colored wires coming from the switch controller. Connect the wires together using
the insulated bullet terminals’ factory installed onto the wires ends. Make sure the terminals rubber
insulator fully covers the metal terminal. See fig. 8.
See fig 8
Cable that has two wires (red and black)
20. WARNING: Failure to wire the light bar correctly could result in permanent damage to the light bar,
the vehicle's electrical system and/or cause a fire. If any switch, fuse or wire is replaced, they must
meet or exceed specifications rating specified in this manual. Any deviation to the electrical
specifications is at the installers/users risk. IMPORTANT: Disconnect the vehicles battery before
beginning any wiring. IMPORTANT: The RED wire must be connected to the 10 amp inline fuse
(included with light bar) at the point of the 12-volt connection such as the fuse block, the vehicle’s
battery or any 12-volt power source which is rated by vehicle’s manufacturer capable of handling 10
amps. The fuse should never be more then ten (10) inches from the power source. If either the red
or black wires need to be lengthened use 18 gauge or heaver wire.The light bar is a low current
device, to operate this product at peak performance make sure all connections are clean of paint,
rust and corrosion and firmly secured.
21. RED & BLACK WIRES: ROUTE the wires to the vehicles fuse block, accessory source or battery. If
the power wires pass through any drilled holes or firewall, always use a rubber grommet to protect
the wire cables. .
22. BLACK WIRE: Connect to ground by securing wire under any metal body bolt or the negative (-)
battery post. Make sure that the
METAL surface around the bolt that
secures the wire is clean of rust,
oxidation and paint to make a good
electrical connection.
23. RED WIRE: Connect to positive (+) 12-
volts such as the fuse block, accessory
power source in the dashboard area or
the positive (+) battery post. Always
use the fuse holder provided with the
10-amp fuse. Make sure the
connection is at a location free from
corrosion or oxidation.
24. To prevent shorts make sure all wire connections are properly insulated.
25. Make sure all wires are securely fastened to vehicle using plastic wire ties or electrical tape (not
provided). WARNING: Carefully inspect the interior driver's area to make sure the light bar wires or
the vehicle's electrical system wires are not interfering with the operation of vehicle's controls;
accelerator, brake, clutch pedals and etc.
26. Reconnect the vehicle’s battery. Installation is complete.
27. The switch controller has an on/off switch located at the top left corner, position the switch to ON.
There is a power indicator light that will illuminate on the front panel of the switch controller directly
under the word POWER.
Traffic Advisory: There are three-(3) selectable traffic advisory light patterns to choose from. The
Fig. 8
10 Amp Fuse