Where not to install smoke alarms – BRK electronic 4120 AC User Manual
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vide reliable early warning protection for those areas
separated by a door from the areas protected by
the required Smoke Alarms. For this reason, it is
recommended that the householder consider the use of
additional Smoke Alarms for those areas for increased
protection. The additional areas include the basement,
bedrooms, dining room, furnace room, utility room, and
hallways not protected by the required smoke alarms.
The installation of Smoke Alarms in kitchens, attics
(finished or unfinished), or garages is not normally
recommended, as these locations occasionally experi-
ence conditions that can result in improper operation.
California State Fire Marshal (CSFM)
Early warning detection is best achieved by the
installation of fire detection equipment in all rooms and
areas of the household as follows: A Smoke Alarm
installed in each separate sleeping area (in the vicinity,
but outside bedrooms), and Heat or Smoke Alarms in
the living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, kitchens,
hallways, finished attics, furnace rooms, closets, utility
and storage rooms, basements, and attached garages.
For best performance, do not install the unit:
• Where combustion particles are produced.
Combustion particles form when something
burns. Areas to avoid include poorly ventilated
kitchens, garages, and furnace rooms. Keep
units at least 20 feet (6 meters) from the sources
of combustion particles (stove, furnace, water
heater, space heater) if possible. Ventilate these
areas as much as possible.
• In air streams near kitchens. Air currents can
draw cooking smoke into the sensing chamber
of a smoke alarm near the kitchen.
• In very damp, humid or steamy areas, or directly
near bathrooms with showers. Keep units at
least 10 feet (3 meters) away from showers,
saunas, dishwashers, etc.
• Where the temperatures are regularly below 40˚F
(4˚ C) or above 100˚ F (38˚ C) including unheated
buildings, outdoor rooms, porches, or unfinished
attics or basements.
• In very dusty, dirty, or greasy areas. Do not
install a smoke alarm directly over the stove or
range. Clean a laundry room unit frequently to
keep it free of dust or lint.
• Near fresh air vents, ceiling fans, or in very
drafty areas. Drafts can blow smoke away
from the unit, preventing it from reaching the
sensing chamber.
• In insect infested areas. Insects can clog
openings to the sensing chamber and cause
unwanted alarms.
• Less than 12 inches (305 mm) away from
fluorescent lights. Electrical “noise” can interfere
with the sensor.
• In “dead air” spaces. “Dead air” spaces may
prevent smoke from reaching the smoke alarm.