BACK TO BASICS Microwave apple Dipper User Manual
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dipping bowl’s top edge to pour candy into a dish or into a gar-
bage container. Do not put melted candy down the sink drain or
in the garbage disposal.
Melting inStructionS
To Melt Caramels: use a 14-ounce bag of caramels. Unwrap
each piece and place in the dipping bowl. add water per
microwave directions on caramel package. place cover on
dipping bowl. Microwave per package instructions until
caramels are completely melted.
To Melt Chocolate/Candy Chips: use a 12-ounce bag of
chocolate chips or other flavored baking chips. Place in dipping
bowl. cover with lid. Microwave per package instructions.
To Melt Baking Chocolate Bars: break bars in half. Place
desired amount in dipping bowl, cover and microwave per
package directions.
HelPful tiPS
Dipping Bowl has two pour spouts/indentations on the top edge.
Use to slowly drizzle melted candy over apples or other foods
such as cakes, brownies and cookies. These pour spouts are
also great for emptying the dipping bowl and as a support for
the apple stick during the candy-coating process.
a dipping Fork/Utensil is included with the apple Dipper. Use
this for dipping smaller food items and pretzel twists.
Apple Selection: Use a slightly tart, crisp apple. “Fuji” apples
make great dipped apples because of their crispness, sweet
slightly spicy flavor and great holding power. “Granny Smith”
apples are more tart and provide a good contrast of flavors with
sweeter toppings. Try different apple varieties to find your
favorite or use a selection of apple types with different