Traditions Yukon User Manual

Page 13

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To check if the muzzleloader is unloaded, remove the ramro d ,
u n s c rew the jag and re-attach at the opposite end of the jag. Place the
r a m rod down the barrel. The ramrod should sit 3/4" below the
muzzle. You should also be able to hear a metallic sound of the brass
jag hitting the face of the breech plug. If your ramrod extends
beyond the muzzle or you do not hear a metallic sound you will need
to disassemble the muzzleloader and re m o v e
the obstruction before proceeding. Refer to the
Section VII & VIII. Ramrod should sit below
muzzle and you will need to hear a metallic
sound to check if barrel is unloaded.


These are brief instructions on what to do before you use your
muzzleloader for the first time. Please review the Disassembly
i n s t ructions inside for the complete set of instructions. When you first
remove the new muzzleloader from the box there will be some
manufacturing oils and grease for shipping purposes. These re s i d u e s
need to be removed so that the muzzleloader will function pro p e r l y.

WA R N I N G :

Make sure the fire a rm is unloaded with the safety in the “on” position.
Refer to Section VI for safety operation.


Remove ramrod from the thimbles.


Remove the drop breech by holding the
action release button in (located on the left
side of the receiver) and slide the assembly
out the action. Note: If your rifle is scoped
reverse steps 2 and 3. Press action re l e a s e
button in towards breech block. Lift out
b reech block with other hand while holding
in button. Breech block totally out of
receiver are a .

3 .

U n s c rew and remove breech plug by using
the breech plug wrench supplied with the
m u z z l e l o a d e r. Remove the barrel from the
receiver by removing the two allen scre w s



in front of the trigger guard. Unscrew 2
allen screws above trigger guard to re m o v e
b a rrel from stock.

4 .

Apply a light coat of Tr a d i t i o n ’s EZ Clean

solvent to a dry patch (or use Tr a d i t i o n ’s
p re-soaked patches) and run up & down
the bore. Follow up with a few dry patches
to wipe dry out the barrel. Now, use
Traditions Wonderlube pre-lubed patches to
“season” the lands & grooves of the rifling
b e f o re loading. This will allow for easier
loading and cleaning throughout your
shooting sessions.

5 .

G e n e rously lubricate the threads of the
b reech plug with Tr a d i t i o n ’s Breech plug
g rease. Make sure not to get any grease blocking the ignition
channel of the breech plug.

6 .

Now reassemble your fire a rm. Remember to install the bre e c h
block with the knurled tang to the right side and the slotted are a
of the breech block should line up with the release button on
the left side of the receiver are a .


The Traditions muzzleloader uses two (2) types of safety

Use the safety on this rifle, but don’t trust or rely on it as a
substitute for safe gun handling practices. The safety is a
mechanical device which could fail. Or, by mistake, you may think
the safety is on when it is not. Or the safety may become
disengaged without your knowledge. Or you could think your gun
is unloaded when it is loaded. Always follow the safe gun
handling rules and procedures in this manual, whether you think
the safety is on or off, and whether you think the rifle is loaded or
unloaded. Don’t pull the trigger when the safety is engaged, or
when it is positioned part way between Safe and Fire. Don’t use
or rely on the safety lever to try to “childproof” your rifle or keep
it safe from untrained persons - instead, your rifle should be
unloaded and securely locked up, out of access of children and other
unauthorized users.


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