Traditions Vortek Pistol Addendum User Manual
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1375 Boston Post Road, P.O. Box 776, Old Saybrook, CT 06475
ph (860) 388-4656 fx (860) 388-4657
Screw the Accelerator breech plug into the barrel and make sure it is all the way in and snug.
With the barrel in one hand and the frame in the other slide the barrel into the frame. The muzzle
should be on a downward angle as this is done. Close the barrel against the frame.
Position the forend onto the barrel and tighten the screw.
Install the ramrod into the barrel thimble for storage.
Perform a function test of the pistol by depressing the release lever and breaking the barrel open then
close the barrel. Cock the hammer to the full cock position and move the safety to the safe position.
Make sure the trigger cannot be pulled. Move the safety to the fire position and pull the trigger the
hammer should release and come forward striking the back of the firing pin.
Your pistol should now be clean and assembled ready for use.
Recommended Loads:
The maximum load for this model is 70gr of loose powder. Do not follow the load data listed for the
rifle in the accompanying manual. Note: A 15% reduction by volume must be taken when using
loose Triple 7 powder.
Powder Charge
1 IMR White Hot Pellet
1 Hogdon Triple 7 Pellet (50gr)
50gr loose Triple 7 3f
60gr loose Pyrodex P
Hornady XTP 240gr
1 IMR White Hot Pellet
1 Hogdon Triple 7 Pellet (50gr)
50gr loose Triple 7 3f
60gr loose Pyrodex P
Helpful Tips:
To ease loading of the projectile use a loading stand or break the barrel open and place the
breech plug on a flat padded surface for more leverage.
The Vortek pistol comes drilled and tapped for scope mounting. The base required for mounting
a scope is our product number A1783 available for purchase at
The jag on the ram rod needs to be unscrewed and rotated 180
degrees then screwed back onto
the ram rod for the length needed for loading the pistol.