Sighting in – Traditions Evolution Thunderbolt Tracker User Manual

Page 31

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4. Insert a ramrod into the muzzle and push the load out of the rear of

the barrel. Take care not to get water or powder into the trigger

5. Clean and wipe all surfaces of loose material.
6. Remember, when the powder dries, it will again be volatile.

Dispose of properly.


It is also possible to drive the projectile out the muzzle. However,

an extra long bench rod or a standard ramrod with an extension will be
needed to accommodate the added length of the receiver.

Method 2

1. Open the bolt or plunger and carefully remove the percussion cap

from the nipple.

2. Using a range/bench ramrod, with a ball puller screw in one end,

insert the screw end into the muzzle until the screw makes contact
with the projectile.

3. Apply pressure to the end of the ramrod while at the same time

turning it, allowing the ball puller screw to bite into the projectile.

4. Continue turning the ramrod until you can determine that the ball

puller screw is well anchored into the projectile.

5. Firmly grasp the exposed end of the ramrod with projectile

attached, pull it through the barrel and out the muzzle. One
continuous non stop pull is generally best.

NOTE: When extracting patched round balls it is helpful to pour
warm soapy water down the barrel to aid in the removal of fouling
from within the bore. This also lubricates the rifling to make the
process easier.


When extracting saboted bullets the first few inches of the pull

will separate the projectile from the plastic sabot. At that point the
bullet will be free from the sabot and will come out easily. It will then
be necessary to reinsert the ball puller screw back down the barrel and
screw it into the plastic sabot and also pull it out.

6. Remove powder, if any.
7. Clean and dry the bore of the barrel making sure the breech area is

dry before reloading fresh powder.

8. Dispose of the old powder safely.


Start your sighting in at approximately 25 yards with a large target.

You want to achieve a grouping of shots no matter where on the target