Glossary of door shop terms – Therma-Tru SHOP 1 General Information - Book Size User Manual
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2014 (BOOK SIZE)
Shop 1
Glossary of Door Shop Terms
Threshold: Another term for sill. The hori-
zontal part of a door assembly, fixed under
the door panel and bearing on the floor.
Tinted Glass: Glass made with a green,
gray or bronze tint, so as to reduce light
TPE: Abbreviation for thermoplastic elasto-
mer. TPEs are used to make weatherstrip-
ping and gasketing parts.
Transom: A framed glass assembly
mounted atop a door assembly. Transoms
are rectangular in shape or have curved or
arched tops. One design of a curved top
transom has the shape of a half-ellipse.
Transport Clip: A steel piece used to tem-
porarily fasten a prehung door assembly
closed for handling and shipping, which
maintains the door panel’s proper position in
the frame.
Trimmer Stud: In a wood-framed rough
opening, the stud or framing member which
runs vertically from the subfloor to and sup-
porting the structural header member, into
which a door frame is fastened.
Triple-Glazed: An insulated glass assembly
made of three thicknesses of glass, with air
spaces between the outer and inner thick-
U-Value: A number which describes in
specific terms, the ability of a material or
assembly to transmit heat from outside to
inside surfaces. Assemblies with lower U-
values transmit less heat than those with
higher values. See R-value. A U-value is
the inverse of an R-value.
Urethane: A plastic material made by react-
ing two polymers.
Veneer: A thin film or facing, adhesively
bonded to a core or substrate, which makes
up the exposed and decorative face of an
Warp: A permanent curvature or deviation
from straightness, which can be induced in
a part or assembly by a load or force, or by
exposure to heat or moisture.
Water Penetration: The unwanted passage
of water through a door system.
Wired Glass: Glass made for use in fire
doors, which has embedded wires which
bind the glass, and permit the glass to re-
main monolithic when exposed to fire.
Yellow Zinc Dichromate: A brass-look plat-
ing to steel parts, which is highly corrosion-