S&S Cycle Incorrectly Machined Tappet Guides User Manual

Cycle, inc

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A limited number of S&S tappet guides for V2 Big Twins were shipped with incorrect machining.

These items can be identified by examining the machined areas indicated in the photograph and

measuring the distance from the gasket surface to the angle cut. The incorrectly machined guides

distort when installed, which causes the lifter to bind.

To obtain correct replacement parts, contact an S&S Technical Services Representative at 608-

627-1497. The representative will issue a Return Authorization (RA) number and arrange a prompt

exchange of parts.

We regret this inconvenience.

Service Bulletin #36


Revised 2-9-00

Copyright ©, 2000


S&S Cycle, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Printed in the U.S.A.



Cycle, Inc.

Box 215

Viola, Wis. 54664

Phone 608-627-1497

Fax 608-627-1488

Service Bulletin #36

Incorrectly Machined Tappet Guides