S&S Cycle Big Twin-Style Oil Pump Installation User Manual
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S&S Cycle, Inc.
14025 County Hwy. G P.O. Box 215
Viola, Wisconsin 54664
Phone 608-627-1497 Fax 608-627-1488
Customer Service - [email protected]
Technical Assistance - [email protected]
Service Bulletin #31
Revised 2-02-99
Copyright- © 1999
by S&S Cycle, Inc.
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
S&S Service Bulletin #31
Big Twin-Style Oil Pump Installation
Picture 1
Picture 2
S&S recommends the following installation
procedure to insure correct oil pump operation.
Consult S&S Oil Pump Instructions #00-6250 or
Harley-Davidson service manual for additional
information as needed.
1. Confirm that adequate clearance exists
between oil pump body and crankcase by
temporarily installing pump assembly on
crankcase and inspecting areas indicated in
photo. See Picture 1. It may be necessary to
remove a small amount of material from oil
pump body to obtain correct fit. See Picture 2.
NOTE - Remove minimum amount of material
required for proper positioning of oil pump on
crankcase. Avoid damaging gasket surface if pump
body requires modification. After modification,
clean pump body thoroughly with suitable parts
cleaner solvent and compressed air to remove
metal filings generated during procedure. Remove
all traces of solvent prior to installation.
CAUTION - Failure to perform modification
correctly may result in oil pump damage not
covered under warranty. Do not use solvent that
could damage driveshaft seal in oil pump body.
Many solvents are flammable and potentially
toxic. Read solvent manufacturer’s instructions
prior to use.
Compressed air is potentially harmful,
especially to eyes and skin. Wear goggles and
other protective clothing during use, and direct
air stream away from yourself and others
2. Disassemble, clean, and inspect oil pump,
leaving supply drive gear, key, and snap ring in
place on shaft.
NOTE - In some instances, oil pump gears have
index marks. To assure proper gear mesh, marks
must align when gears are installed in pump body.