S&S Cycle Four-Inch Bore Piston Weights User Manual

Four-inch bore piston weights, S & s, Cycle, inc

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S & S






Cycle, Inc.

Cycle, Inc.

Cycle, Inc.

Cycle, Inc.

Cycle, Inc.

14025 County Hwy. G P.O. Box 215

Viola, Wis. 54664

Phone: 608-627-1497 Fax: 608-627-1488

email Customer Service: [email protected]

email Technical Assistance: [email protected]


Technical Bulletin #4


by S&S Cycle, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Printed in the U.S.A.

Due to design improvements, S&S has utilized several types of piston
in four-inch bore Super Sidewinder engines. Different pistons used
have weighed between 440 and 475.5 grams (pistons only, no rings,
clips, or wristpins).

Installer must compare weights of old and new pistons when original
pistons are replaced. Replacement piston need not weigh exactly
the same as old one. In most cases, a piston set weighing as much
as 30 grams more than original piston set or 10 grams less than
original will cause no problem.



-style wristpin #94-9274 weighs approximately 14 grams more

than standard pin. If new piston is too light, wristpin #94-9274 can
be used to help match weight of new piston assembly to old.

NOTE - Installer assumes responsibility of insuring that replacement
piston is within acceptable weight range. If piston weight is outside
range, engine must be rebalanced to avoid excessive vibration.

S&S Technical Bulletin #4

Four-Inch Bore Piston Weights